ENV 760B()/ 2021-2022



春天2022:TU,TH,5:30-6:20,Kroon 321

本次研讨会侧重于野生动物和野外保护的实践,从学术文献的双重视角和实际经验中审查关键主题;汇集跨学科思维;并借鉴非洲,亚洲,拉丁美洲和美国的例子。研讨会的主题轮廓在自然保护中围绕三个基本问题组织:我们试图节省什么 - 为什么?这是如何完成的 - 随着时间的推移如何变化?我们学习哪些课程 - 以及哪些总体问题仍然存在问题?具体主题包括不同的玩家如何定义和价值狂野;保护目标的选择和优先级;各种物种与景观保护方法的比较;和治理和决策在保护中,包括保护与发展与社区保护之间的关系。 During the semester, students work in small teams to assess one of several current case studies - integrating biological, social, economic, and governance considerations - to propose an effective path forward for conservation. Participation and leadership are key, as the seminar is discussion-based and approximately half the sessions are student-led. Evaluation is based on participation, presentations, and a final paper.
