
Frederick C. Hixon自然资源管理荣誉教授和高级研究科学家










这项研究已经在美国、拉丁美洲、亚洲和目前的英国进行了超过30年。有一个关于这项研究的论文、书籍和章节的文集。最近的一次是苏格兰森林信托基金会授予的约翰•伊迪奖学金,用于研究英国的“社区林业”活动范围。此外,由国家研究委员会寻求的“可持续”科学的工作,“我们的共同旅程-向可持续发展的过渡”(2001)正在中华人民共和国与可持续发展领导项目进行。有关这项研究的细节可以在报告和报告中找到,这些报告和报告可以根据要求提供。这项研究是学术和科学的结合。作为生态系统的人类住区:大都市巴尔的摩。NSF长期生态系统研究基地有13位来自不同学科和机构的PI。支持来自国家科学基金会、美国国家科学基金会、美国环境保护局和私人基金会。它由纽约州米尔布鲁克的生态系统研究所管理。 Dr. Steward Pickett, an ecologist, botanist, is the project director. It started in 1998 and has had its mid term review. Development of continuation proposal, as required by NSF-LTER office is being completed. 2) The research is guided by three broad questions: 1) How do the spatial structure of socio-eonomic, ecological, and physical factors in an urban area relate to one another, and how do they change through time? 2) What are the fluxes of energy, matter, capital, and population in urban systems, and how do they change over time? 3) How can people develop and use an understanding of the metropolis as an ecological system to improve the quality of their environment, and to reduce pollution loadings to downstream air and watersheds. We address these questions at a range of scales from the Chesapeake Bay\Baltimore, Maryland metro region, to small watersheds, social patches within them, neighborhood units, households and individuals. 3) There are three unifying conceptual themes that are expressed in our integrated framework. These themes are: urban areas are ecological systems, humans should be studied from ecological and spatial perspectives, human ecosystems must be studied in the long term. Three kinds of data sets are used to fill out and to ‘test’ the framework. Historical (including paleoecological data), descriptive and experimental. Burch, along with his colleagues in the Demographic\Social research group, has responsibility for testing the patch analysis as it applies to human groupings. Questions, are the same for the socio-economic concerns as they are for the biophysical researchers–what are the measurable patch structures, patch functions, patch dynamics, mechanisms of change and education, application and outreach possibilities? There are 8 hypotheses guiding this effort. The most critical for the behavioral science research is: “There are coherent relationships between ecological, socio-political and physical patch structures within an urban ecosystem that control ecological functions related to the fluxes of water, nutrients and carbon, and to biodiversity.” This theoretical approach deepens and expands traditional social area, human ecology and community studies in the social sciences and it reconnects social science to the biophysical realities and constraints shaping human action and desire. 4) This shift in traditional social science approaches has required the development and testing of new techniques of data collection, measurement and methods of analysis. Geographic Information System approaches as well as traditional statistical analyses are used. We are triangulating several sets of data–1.biophysical\infrastructural information from aerial photos, public records and legal factors such as zoning to identify constraints and opportunities shaping structure of social patches, 2.re-analysis and reconfiguration of census data to identify demographic, household and social status constraints and opportunities shaping patch untis,3. use of prizm clusters of market research data for zip code units that help to identify patch status and consumption patterns,4 a telephone survey to identify recreation and community cohesion observations that relate to behavioral valuation of hydrological factors, 5. a systematic observation schedule and neighborhood sampling strategy to ground truth behavioral regularities within the patches.


