ENV 744B()/ 2021-2022
积分:4. 春天2022:TU,TH,9:00-10:20,KOON 319 |
这种先进的课程适用于生态原则,了解和管理人类中的生物多样性和服务员生态系统功能和服务。该课程解决了保护和抚养人的伦理和功能基础,思考为什么和人类如何与非人类生活共享地球。它涵盖了进化,生命历史和物种的生存能力等科学原则,物种危害和灭绝风险,生物多样性的种类,生物多样性的空间分布,物种在生态系统中的功能作用,脆弱性和风险评估以及估值生物多样性和生态系统服务。The course applies these principles to the exploration of such topics as biodiversity’s role in the functioning and sustainability of ecological systems, restoration of environmental damages, conserving biodiversity in dynamic landscapes, adapting landscapes to climate change, balancing conservation with urban development and agriculture, and renewable energy siting. It provides students with the quantitative skills to conduct population viability analyses, geospatial analyses of the distribution of biodiversity across landscapes, vulnerability analyses, and decision-analysis to balance trade-offs among multiple objectives of human land development and biodiversity conservation. Prerequisites: ENV 602aor equivalent course in population or community ecology, ENV 755b or equivalent course in GIS, and ENV 728a or equivalent course in statistical analysis of biological data. A course in economics or applied math for environmental studies is strongly encouraged